Monday, March 3, 2014

Fat Tire

Beer: Fat Tire
Style: Amber Ale
Brewing location: New Belgium Brewing, Fort Collins, Colorado
Originating country: USA
Alcohol by Volume: 5.2% 
Ingredients: malted barley, hops, yeast and water
Format tested: 12 oz bottle purchased in Los Angeles, CA
Beeradvocate rating: 82/100
Ratebeer rating: 48/100
Test kit: E-Z Gluten

  • Named in honor of the co-founders' bike trip through Europe, sampling their home-brews to the public.
  • Fat Tire is the flagship beer of the New Belgium Brewing.
  • Based on 2012 sales figures, New Belgium is the third largest craft brewer in the US. After Boston Beer Co and Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.

Test result photo

Fat Tire New Belgium Brewing amber ale beer gluten low free gluten free bier celiac test results

Test result
Very high positive at 20 parts per million (ppm), meaning it is well over 20 ppm. Though standards vary from country to country, according to the FDA, "in order to use the term 'gluten free' on its label a food must meet all the requirements of the definition, including that the food must contain less than 20 ppm gluten". It is said that products with a gluten content below 20 ppm are suitable for people with celiac disease.

My experience drinking Fat Tire
Has toasty biscuit-like malt flavors and a nutty finish. Low carbonation means it's pretty flat. Sweet and a bit light on the hops, in my opinion. Very quaffable but nothing special. Despite New Belgium's claim of it being influenced by Belgian ales (as opposed to English or German beers), it is nothing of the sort. In fact it reminds me of an above average cask-condtioned Bitter served in British pubs. And these beers are best enjoyed at cellar temperature 55F i.e. not how it is typically served in the US. I am not sure where I fall in the gluten tolerance spectrum; I am gluten intolerant but not celiac. I definitely know what it feels like to be “glutened” i.e. gluten exposure, but I have not deliberately pushed my gluten consumption limits with any food or beer. I consumed this 12 oz bottle and felt none of my typical gluten effects.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. This was helpful and despite my intolerance (which is fairly mild) gave me the confidence to try Fat Tire and I had no ill effects. Thanks again.
